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 Soren [Loyal/vagabond]

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3 participants
Soren Archangel

Soren Archangel

Nombre de messages : 77
Age : 35
Date d'inscription : 14/12/2007

Soren [Loyal/vagabond] Empty
MessageSujet: Soren [Loyal/vagabond]   Soren [Loyal/vagabond] Icon_minitimeVen 14 Déc - 3:52

Nom*: Archangel
Prénom : Soren
Surnom*: Shade
Âge : 18 ans
Race : Demi-elfe, demi-dragon

Physique : Il est plutôt grand, 6'3'', très peu musclé comme la plupart des elfes, malgré sa force incroyable. Il a les yeux bleus si pâles qu'ils paraissent blancs. Ses cheveux sont noir de jais. Ses vêtements varient selon la période de la journée. La nuit, il porte des vêtements noirs : des bottes et un pantalon de cuir avec une tunique, recouvert d'une longue cape à capuchon, nommée Tarnkappe, la cape d'Invisibilité. Dans la nuit, seuls ses yeux blancs peuvent être perçus. Le jour, il s'habille simplement d'une tunique blanche avec des pantalons beige pâle. Il porte à sa ceinture une bourse d'argent dont il ne se sépare jamais. Dans son dos sont croisées ses deux épées, Caledfwlch et Alondite, couvrant le grand Marteau de Guerre Mjolnir. À l'épaule gauche de sa tunique noire, il porte un fourreau pour sa dague unique, Cernwennan. Lorsqu'il le désire, il fait matérialiser son arc Gandiva.
Caractère : Soren est pacifique. De nature sage, il agit avec noblesse envers presque tout le monde, même s'il fut élevé par des nains. Envers la gente féminine, il se trouve à être un fort dragueur, mais n'agit jamais de façon macho. Il est simplement très habile de ses mots et parle de façon plus romancée. Il est très attentionné envers quiconque et possède un fort sens de la justice. Par contre, c'est aussi une personne très rusée, intelligente et stratégique. Il ferait un excellent stratège militaire. Par contre, c'est aussi un grand parieur puisqu'il voit la vie avec l'intuition d'un elfe et le caractère d'un nain. Le temps, c'est de l'argent et il faut souvent parier sa vie pour l'obtenir, c'est une devise qu'il n'oublie pas. Son sang de dragon lui donne est sa force physique et mentale, mais aucun pouvoir magique significatif, excepté l'abilité de se camoufler et même, selon certains, de devenir l'ombre de quelqu'un.

Histoire : My story is rather sad. My name is Soren Archangel. My family is the one of a very poor elf, living along the city of Urann, near the forest and a dragon shape-shifting mother. As very few persons know in these days, giving birth to a Branded child is considered a sin. A Branded person is one who is born from a human type of person and one who has the blood of an animal running through his or her veins. Although, as the animal parent usually has the power to shape-shift, he or she loses the power the instant the child is made. As another consequence, the child doesn't possess any shape-shifting power and is denied as a being by both race. Also, as very few know, most of the great animals are shape-shifters. Felines such as Lions, Canines like Wolves, Birds of Prey such as Ravens and Hawks and finally Dragons, those are the type of animal shape-shifters. There are indeed some vegetal shape-shifters, but I don't know much of them. My mother is part of a dragon Tribe. So, as animals and humans are being taboo by giving birth to a Branded baby, my mother had to live in the fear of being rejected by her family. Instead of living to fight his point about whether it was right or not, my father decided to flee. My mother followed him, because she loved him, even if she still holds that sin against him, for giving her a Branded baby. To the Gods, it did appear as a sin. My mother and my father finally found a human city, after a long travel, where they thought they could stay. That's what led them to Urann. They decided to wait that long to have children because they wanted things to be safe and stable for them.

Although, I have no memory of them. At the age of 1, I was kidnapped by a drow hunting in the forest. Some will say it was the Gods' will and the punishment to my parents for giving me birth. Though, my life was spared on an ambush and I have been scurried by dwarves. As you may know, dwarves don't play a major role in your History. They have been claimed as pacifists and neutral people, but even so, they chose to help the poor child I was as the drow was taking me to be sold as a slave to demons or maybe being eaten alive. That is also the reason I speak this language, as it is the language spoken by dwarves, even though I have been taught your language. As dwarves act respectfully for other races, they named me after a great elven warrior, Soren. A long time ago, Soren the Brave fought along humankind to stop wars to spread. He was a great leader and a true fighter, qualities elves usually are not granted. I was raised by the king, the mighty Dwarven the 14th. Even though I had inner abilities of an elf, he still chose to raise me as a dwarf. I was taught the value of gold, the hard work of a mine and the mastering of close-combat fights. I learned to fight with any type of axe, sword, bow/crossbow and dagger. Thus I was raised as a dwarf, I still bare within me my elven nature. As an elf act, I am very clever and bright, in comparison to other dwarves. It is also a reason of which I was modelled as a noble dwarf rather than a common mine dwarf. I've never lifted a pickaxe before, though I have seen my commerades pick Earth before my eyes.

Perhaps it was my elven blood mixed with dwarf culture, but I suppose I was always very lucky in my life, though I am a very well-known gambler of the bars. I've never known defeat with any type of weapon, nor at any game I've been challenged to. I see life, as I like to say, as a gold coin. You might have to play it to Heads or Tails, thus you sure will have to bluff to be satisfied of its victory. That's my perception of life. Dwarves seem to believe that time is gold. When drunken, they will sing their chants in honor of their only belief : Gold. They have Gods of their own and I believe in them, but Father also taught me History of your people and I chose to believe in your Gods as well.

Although, when I got 16, my life began to get less distracting as dwarves create their lives around picking, forging and melting metals. Few are the days needed to fight. I suppose it's always been in my nature, but I tend to help others and fight for what I think is right. Though, as I made myself a dispencer of justice among my people, distractions don't come too often enough for my liking, as dwarves avoid dangerous situations. They prefer their safe mines compared to the great Sun or the joy of walking in a forest. I've always known I was an elf, since King Dwarven had told me the truth long ago. I also know I am branded, but I don't have any idea of which animal Tribe was I born from. He was also the one who suggested me to fly with my own wings. So I decided to leave the mines and travel the world, with divine weapons crafted since millenias. I hold Caladbolg, the Thunder Sword, along with Alondite, the Immortal Blade. I've been given Mjolnir, the Giant Hammer, by my father at my departure. Also, I behold the might of Cernwennan, the Ultimate Demon Slayer. In my travels, I found a bow as I was freeing a peaceful town of the tyranny of its leader. After the tyran's death, I looked in his coffers and found the cloak Tarnkappe, the Cloak of Invisibilty. Then, I travelled to the East and found, in burried ruins of an ancient civilisation a bow named Gandiva, the Golden Bow, said to have belonged to the Eastern Countries, before the Great Destruction. Seeking to help those in need and maybe learn more about my origins and myself, I've met with a young boy of my age. His name, I'll always remember, is Lary Blackrider. Somehow, it seems as I already know that name. It seems to remind me of someone I once knew or heard of. Also, I can feel in him the true nobleness of royalty but he just looks like a normal teenager. It is strange to understand for you, but Lary and I act like complete opposites. Moreover, we are everything the other isn't. Though, I was glad he accepted me for what I am. He's always known I am Branded and still chose to accept me and defended me at several time when people rejected me. Now, I am more loyal to him than any person will be to a another. I see him as my commander, my commerade, my alter ego and my friend

Côté : Bien
Royaume : Aucun
Clan : Aucun

Élément : Aucun
Sous élément : Aucun
Dieu de croyance: Tous
Pouvoirs : Ne rate jamais et est plus rapide que l'éclair. Aussi, il possède le pouvoir de dématérialiser ses armes pour les rematérialiser dans sa main.

Rôle dans l'histoire : Loyal envers Lary

Dernière édition par le Ven 14 Déc - 19:57, édité 3 fois
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Oromis Siegfried
Protecteur d'Ornelna / Demi-Dieu
Oromis Siegfried

Nombre de messages : 90
Age : 36
Date d'inscription : 01/08/2007

Feuille de personnage
Âge du personnage: 30 ans
Race: Elfe Immortel
Élément: Air

Soren [Loyal/vagabond] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Soren [Loyal/vagabond]   Soren [Loyal/vagabond] Icon_minitimeVen 14 Déc - 15:54

Accepté. Très belle présentation. Par contre, tâche de nous parler en français le plus possible.
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Fondatrice~Élu du Bien

Nombre de messages : 221
Age : 33
Place sur le forum : Admin qui essaye de calmer l'autre admin sadique!
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2007

Feuille de personnage
Âge du personnage: 24 ans
Race: Humaine
Élément: Tous (Élu/e)

Soren [Loyal/vagabond] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Soren [Loyal/vagabond]   Soren [Loyal/vagabond] Icon_minitimeVen 14 Déc - 19:32

m'ouin... tk je ne dirai rien Oromis... parfait... sauf que moi je ne comprend pas ton histoire xD
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Soren Archangel

Soren Archangel

Nombre de messages : 77
Age : 35
Date d'inscription : 14/12/2007

Soren [Loyal/vagabond] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Soren [Loyal/vagabond]   Soren [Loyal/vagabond] Icon_minitimeVen 14 Déc - 19:53

Eh ben...tu lis pas l'anglais? On va faire court : Père elfe, mère dragonne métamorphe, comme la plupart des grands animaux de proies. Par contre, humains et animaux ne peuvent faire d'enfants sans que ce soit bannis pas les dieux. Cela va à l'encontre de la nature. L'enfant nait sans pouvoirs, comme le fait de pouvoir se transformer en animal comme le parent. Ceci étant, le châtiment des dieux s'abat et il se fait enlever par un drow, mais il est receuilli par les nains. Elevé par des nains toute sa vie, il en a assez de la vie de la mine et décide de quitter pour explorer le monde. Il rencontre Lary et se lie d'amitié avec lui jusqu'à lui jurer loyauté.

Pour ce qui est de son arsenal d'armes, eh bien c'est simple. Caladbolg, c'est l'épée d'un certain Fergus mac Róich, héro mythologique Irlandais. Alondite, c'est l'épée (épellée Arondite dans la légende) appartenant à Lancelot. Cernwennan, c'est la dague d'Arthur. Tarnkappe, c'est une cape d'invisibilité ayant appartenue à Sigurd, fils de Sigmund, dans la mythologie scandinave. Finalement, Gandiva est l'arc ayant appartenu au prince Arjuna, dans la mythologie hindoue

Dernière édition par le Ven 14 Déc - 20:04, édité 1 fois
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Soren [Loyal/vagabond] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Soren [Loyal/vagabond]   Soren [Loyal/vagabond] Icon_minitimeVen 14 Déc - 19:58

Wow I have a follower!!! XD je sort ^^"
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Fondatrice~Élu du Bien

Nombre de messages : 221
Age : 33
Place sur le forum : Admin qui essaye de calmer l'autre admin sadique!
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2007

Feuille de personnage
Âge du personnage: 24 ans
Race: Humaine
Élément: Tous (Élu/e)

Soren [Loyal/vagabond] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Soren [Loyal/vagabond]   Soren [Loyal/vagabond] Icon_minitimeVen 14 Déc - 20:38

Ouin reste dehore XD pas sur de tout comprendre, mais ça vas. Accepté^^
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MessageSujet: Re: Soren [Loyal/vagabond]   Soren [Loyal/vagabond] Icon_minitime

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